I graduated from Yale University in 2012, a member of the fine community of scholars at the Howard R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders.  My work focuses on the origins, processes, and legacies of North American colonialisms.  My current book project, The Endless Commons: The Borderland of North American Empires, and the Origins of American Expansion, 1783-1848 (forthcoming, the University Press of Virginia), traces the social, political, and environmental lineage of a unique culture of North American settler colonialism, what I term "the labor land-right culture," that emerged in the borderland between the United States and the British Empire after the American Revolution.  I show how the contested European tradition of the commons migrated to North America, and in the crucible of what I call "democratic colonialism," transformed into a powerful new method of land taking and state formation.  I have published (or will publish) in the Western Historical Quarterly and Agricultural History, and am the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships including a Fulbright Fellowship, a Laureat of the Association Internationale des Etudes Quebecoises, and a dissertation fellowship from the government of Canada.  I am also an artist having trained in fresco painting in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1995, earned a Masters of Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 1997, and attended the famed Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture the same year.  I have created and exhibited frescoes both nationally and internationally, including such venues as Skulptur: Projekte in Munster in 1997 and the World Trade Center in 2000.  In future projects I will bring to light the heretofore unappreciated history of the worldwide diaspora of Jewish agrarians, unearth the web of corruption spread over the Northern Great Plains after the Dakota War of 1862, and use digitized historic maps to compare colonial imaginings of North American landscapes and peoples in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  Currently I live and work in Melbourne, Australia, where I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Monash University, and I also live in Brooklyn, New York.